
My book Our Boomtime Rats – Who do they think they are? was published in February 2013 and I hope you enjoy reading it. It is available in paperback and also as an ebook and can be ordered here.

Our Boomtime Rats - Who do they think they are?



My book aims to give a human voice to the stark reality for so many people; those who have worked hard all their lives and had everything (which wasn’t much, in the first place) taken from them, while those who displayed outright irresponsibility and neglected to heed economic warnings, have lost nothing, in comparison. The more one risked and the more one owes, the greater the bailout they can expect from NAMA. Justice and the notion of taking the consequences of one’s actions have been overlooked by the Irish legal system in favour of some of the country’s most neglectful and irresponsible citizens and officials.


It explains that we won’t get the answers we want by continuing to do what we have done for the past decade or so but by getting back to the basics of life, realising we came into this world without anything and we will go out from this world without anything. It outlines how important it is to stay in touch with reality and seek truth, justice and peace in our everyday lives.




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