End of Class Presentation of Certificates

Last Friday and Saturday 10 students who have been attending our classes in Jean Rabel received

Week long IT class in Jean Rabel

Week long IT class in        Jean Rabel

certificates having completed courses in Libre Office Text and Libre Office Calc. On Friday the group, mostly teachers Colette, completed a week long course in these subjects which will help with administration and organisation of their classes and the overall running of their preschool and primary school in Colette. Pictured here are Marie Elie, Charite, Altagracia, Erick, Louise and Amonise.

In the next picture are Rose, Veronique and Estaphanie who have been attending classes since the

2 months IT training in Jean Rabel

2 months IT training in     Jean Rabel

middle of May. These three ladies along with Marie Judith (pictured below) attend Atalyer Thevenet run by Sr. Nazareth in the town. They make beautiful craft and sewing items by hand and sewing machine and hope to learn how to use an electric sewing machine in the near future.

Marie Judith

Marie Judith


The IT skills they have learned over the past 14 twice-weekly classes will assist with the running of the Atalyer into the future.

Below here are 4 of the teachers from the school in Colette, Altagracia, Louise, Amonise and Marie Elie.IMG_0462 (1)

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Learning Kreyol

11th July 2016

Arriving in Haiti with little more than the French I left school with was not the best plan. I found it difficult to speak to people and only for Sr. Rose and Sr. Nazareth spoke to me in English, I really may have just as well gone back home again. I certainly would have found it impossible to fit in.

Learn Kreyol with You Tube

Gradually over the course of the past 3 months (almost) I am now beginning to understand some of what people say in Kreyol. It seems to be a bit like French alright although my Kreyol teacher (I simply had to find someone with whom I could practice – all other efforts were proving to be just too slow. I wanted to understand what was going on and be able to speak with people, even if it was simply to bid them the time of day), told me it was a mixture of French, Spanish, Latin and Greek.

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Refugees, Illegal immigrants, People fleeing their country for a better life.

Such stories are always in the news and like most things in life there are at least 2 sides to every story – if not as many stories as there are illegal immigrants.

Each person has a unique story to tell.

But do we want to listen? Do we want to hear what they have to say? Do we care about others’ dilemmas? Or are we so caught up in our own little worlds and lives that the plight of others goes over our heads.

Here in Haiti, an island country, mostly surrounded by water, efforts to leave everything they know and set sail for a better life are ongoing.

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A Guiding Star

As summer continues and school is out here in Northwest Haiti all those involved in the six schools where the Religious of Jesus and Mary (locally known as Sé Rose e Sé Na) are involved are looking forward to the coming school year, when each of the 600 children attending these schools will receive a brand new school bag.

guiding star school bag

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Long Awaited Computer Training at last!

New Technology in Colette, Jean Rabel, Northwest Haiti.

Getting to grips with computer basics

All concentration!

From 27th June to 1st July, the teachers and friends of Deux Jesus School in Colette got to grips with basic computing skills using the brand new computers recently installed by Camara. Six students proudly     received certificates of completion having attended all lessons and gaining practical skills in text processing and spreadsheets which will help with future administration tasks and class planning in the school.

Summer school in computers for teachers in Colette

Teachers in Colette take on computer training

Rose Kerline Innocent, a student of a previous class ably assisted with explanations and Kreyol translation.

Below are the 7 people who completed a full week’s training in IT in Colette, Jean Rabel, NW Haiti.

Director of Deux Jesus School Mentil Joseph Michel, Derise Louis, Dorilus Veniel, William Benito, Vernot Jhonwalker and Supreme Rose Andre.


Teachers in Colette achieve Certificates in IT

Teachers in Colette achieve Certificates in IT

Jhonwalker Vernot

 Vernot Jhonwalker


Vernot Jhonwalker was so happy with his achievement he wanted an individual photo.